Green up your skills with Geek4food.
Green up your skills with Geek4Food
Graham O’Neill1, Roccaro M.2, Corredig M. 3, Reddy M.4, Marzano M.5, Di Falco G.6, Vicente A.7, Vodnar D.8, Sacio-Szymańska A.9; Frias J.1, Pittia P. 10*
1 Technological University of Dublin, Ireland, 2 EIT Food, Belgium, 3 University of Aarhus, Denmark, 4 Sky Hive, Ireland, 5 MilCoop, Italy, 6 Cassiopea, Italy, 7 University of Minho, Portugual, 8 University of Cluji-Naboca, Romania, 9 4CF, Poland, 10 University of Teramo, Italy;
The challenges facing our food system are significant and evolving. Weather patterns are showing greater fluctuation, with extended periods of warm wet weather partly replacing the more clearly defined four seasons. The change in weather patterns can have a significant impact on crop yield, viability and health. To meet the future needs of the Agri-food sector, people will need greater access to lifelong learning, in a way that is flexible and with content related to the current challenges.
The Geek4Food project has developed an Artificial Intelligence tool to conduct a daily scan of the latest scientific publications, news articles, job advertisements, reports specifically related to the Agri-food sector. The tool will have two main purposes;
1. To identify current and emerging challenges in the sector and existing skills shortages. This knowledge can be used by academia to develop life long educational offerings to support the knowledge need and skill shortage.
2. To guide future students on their skills shortages relative to current needs in the agri-food sector in the area of green skills.
The project currently has a functioning AI model and is developing a series of educational offerings to respond to current needs, which will be delivered in 2025.
Project Coordinator: University of Teramo.
Project Co-Cordinator: EIT Food.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.