Skill Sync EU

Date of the Event: 12/07/2024
to 12/07/2024
Type of Dissemination: Networking
Location: NOT LISTED
Place: Networking meeting with KIC-AI
Institution: KIC-AI
Responsible Partner: Technological University Dublin
Participant category: Organisations, Associations of stakeholders
N° Attendes: 6 (3 female, 3 male)


TU Dublin has been approached from EIT to join the pilot of the SkillsSync project by Loretta Angelowski (Climate KIC ) on behalf of AI KIC. The meeting included Magi Luch-Ariet, Tomasso Emiliani, Alex Karim Howard and the organiser of the event Alice McNeil.

An engagement with the SkillsSync project has been initiated in the 12th July to discuss AI learning outcomes and an analysis of the specific AI skill gaps interesting for TU Dublin.

The project Geek4Food was mentioned in the context of the TU Dublin engagement with the KICs and the area of AI use for training design. It is expected that at some point the discussion with the SkillsSync project. Potential useful advise in the organisation of the skills (use of the EBSCO ontology) were made in the meeting).